Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas and Rock City

So I haven't quite got the whole adding pictures thing down yet. I can't figure out how to move them where I want them once they are on the page. Christmas actually happened first but the Rock City pictures are before those so we'll go backwards.
We went to Rock City tonight to see the Enchanted Garden of Lights. I think about how great it is to be able to do things like that with the kids and hope we continue it throughout the years so they can keep the memories. It reminded me of when I was younger and my parents took us to NYC to see The Nutcracker and The Rockettes. Instead of the funnel cake and hot chocolate that Rock City had, we'd get a hot pretzel from a street vendor and thought it was the greatest thing. I have a much greater appreciation for things like that now that I'm a mom. When you're a kid the crowds, lines, and costs don't matter to you- you don't even think about them until it's your turn to do it. Of course, we don't mind waiting in lines when it's something memorable for our kids and you come to realize that your parents felt the same way about you.
It was pretty cold out but we bundled everyone in layers and scarves etc. I thought Vance would sleep since it was his usual bedtime but he was wide awake for the whole two hours we were there just staring. Usually he'll talk and play but he was like a statue, just turned his head every now and then. I wondered what was gong through his mind ;). They had a fake polar bear in a cave with a snoring noise. Hope liked it so much she didn't want to move- it wasn't real but she sure thought it was. We had to lure her away by telling her we were going to look for more bears. When we stopped for our hot chocolate Hope grabbed her cup as if it was a half emtpy one that I would've given her at home and dumped it all over herself- I had a moment of terror thinking she had burned herself but apparently she had so many layers on she didn't even feel it. Soon after that we wanted to take a family picture in front of a lighted penguin display but the girls refused to participate so Jon and I took our picture with Vance which you see below. Then Hope decided she did want a picture but she wanted to stand with the penguins and you just can't do that considering to get to them you'd have to navigate the rocks and crevices (and you're not allowed). Try telling a 3 year old "No". No matter how many ways you explain it she just kept screaming, loudly, "I wanna a picture!!!". Eventually she gave up and had a good cry and we could all move along to the musician who had just finished his set while she was having her breakdown. They were decorating cookies for $3 inside and G wanted to do one- we asked her if she had $3 and she got rather angry upon our exit form the building. Then the girls had a fight about who Daddy would hold and he eventually just put G on his shoulders and held Hope in his arms, see below. Good workout I suppose! All in all, everyone had a good time and We're looking forward to going back to one of our favorite places in the spring.

Granny came up to spend Christmas with us and brought all kinds of goodies that make it special with her. I had to work so it was great to have her there with the kids and Jon. The two of them got everything ready and I was able to get home a couple of hours early to climb in bed with my family. I was too excited to sleep so I mostly just layed there until Hope and Vance woke up. I told Hope Santa came and she promptly woke up G to tell her and they flew out of bed. They did not like the Giordano tradition of brushing your teeth before opening presents which is really just a way to give Granny time to start the coffee and Daddy time to get the camera ready :). I couldn't find our camera until the mayhem ended so Granny has most of the pictures but we did get some cute ones.
Gwenevere tore through her presents the fastest and Hope kept stopping to open her brother's gifts. Vance had a blast with all the commotion, paper, and presents. Once we were done with presents Granny spent the day cooking for us and I took a nap. The kids played happily all day. We had a delicious dinner and Granny headed home. A very satisfying day indeed. We hope you all had a wonderful day with your families as well!! We miss all of the friends and family we did not get to see and want you to know we think about you all very often!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Yesterday we had our little Yule celebration for Winter Solstice. We decorate an evergreen tree with edible ornaments for the animals to eat to help them thru the winter. We used dried oranges to symbolize the sun (for that is ultimately what we are celebrating) and we covered pine cones with peanut butter and dipped them in bird seed. This has been a very messy task in the past but this year I got smart and put the peanut butter in a bag and piped it onto the cone. Made it very easy and looked really pretty.

Hope wasn't really into decorating and just wanted to throw seed to the birds but Gwenevere enjoyed hanging things on the tree. We chose that tree because it's the only one in our huge yard that is an evergreen with branches low enough for the kids to reach- it worked out well. I'm excited about using the same tree every year and watching it grow! We are all looking forward to longer days and getting ready for a brand new garden and a bountiful harvest in the coming year. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Jon's mom recently moved to Missouri and since she's been out here to visit us several times we thought it was our turn. I think we were both dreading a nine hour drive with three kids- one being a baby. Surprisingly the drive out there wasn't too bad. We left early in the morning and were officially on the road by 7am. Unfortuantely because I had to keep turning around and getting things for the kids I eventually got really nauseous and ended up buying some dramamine. That knocked me out for a majority of the ride. Vance took a good 3 hour nap around that time and GW fell asleep for awhile too. The girls watched movies most of the way and of course, Jon drove.

We enjoyed spending time with Mom and Jim and did some really fun things with the kids. Jon's favorite part was squirrel hunting, he loved being able to just wander around the woods. My favorite part was fishing, I think that was GW's also. We caught lots of fish in the pond behind the house. Overall it was really nice to just take a break from the daily grind and visit with family.

The ride home was a little more stressful but we made it home ok. It always feels good to come home! We really missed our farm. I hate how it takes a week to catch up on cleaning etc. after getting home from vacation - most of our clothes are still in suitcases. I had to go back to work the day after we got back, that's my excuse!

Grandpa Jim, Grandma and the kids.

At Grandma's

The girls on the ride home.

Gwenevere fishing all by herself - such a big girl.

The catfish I caught!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


When we bought our ten acres we thought they ended at the woods behind our house. We were very pleasantly surprised when we studied the survey and discovered we own six acres of woods behind the house. Jon has ventured out there several times trying to clear a trail and look for good spots to go camping. I hadn't been out there mostly because Vance was a newborn and it was too hot during the summer. When the weather started getting cooler and the bugs started going away we were engrossed in projects inside the house. We still have a lot going on inside but Jon decided to take the day off with me today.

(This is the barn and the back of the house from the top of the hill at the back of the property just before the woods. Too bad we don't get enough snow for sleigh riding!)

We took our first family hike on our property this afternoon. It was a beautiful day for it. I discovered that the woods are quite hilly and fairly steep in some areas. Jon had Vance on his back in the Ergo and Hope was scared she was going to fall so she kept asking me to pick her up. There is a flatter area up towards the top of the woods where the girls enjoyed jumping over felled trees and branches. We'd love to be able to hike out there regularly and let the kids play out there when they're older but it needs a lot of work before then. I'm looking forward to clearing it out some more and marking a good trail through the easier terrain.
Overall, we had a great day today!

The girls in the woods.


Monday, October 12, 2009


Here are some pictures of the work we're doing to the house!
Above: Fireplace Demo
new laminate and old carpet

Hope and mojo in the den.

Workng on the kitchen.

The kitchen and foyer

Our house.

We've been working on putting new floors intot he whole house for about a month now. My request when we started was that we only do one room at a time so we wouldn't have to live in a huge mess while we're doing this. So far that's worked out pretty well. We still have a big mess and lots of things where they don't belong just to get them out of the way. The floors in our room are done, the girls room needs a few more squares (which we have but haven't put down yet;)
The lady that used to live here was a smoker. I'm pretty sure her husband was too. They lived here for close to 20 years. They also had dogs. The carpet had never been replaced. It is so filled with smoke and grime that it's sticky. The girls have brown spots on their knees from playing on it. If you walk around with just socks on they'll start to stick to stuff- so if there are little bits of anything (beads, legos, paper etc.) on the floor you'll end up with everything you step on sticking to your foot- and the sock will be dark brown by the end of the day. What I'm trying to say is that it's really gross and had to be replaced before my precious baby boy starts crawling and playing on the floor. The kitchen and bathrooms have linoleum flooring that the previous owners put down themselves. They just kinda rolled it out and didn't put and trim down in the bathrooms or hallway so it's peeling up at all the edges. The kitchen has a demi-diagonal wall in it and they angled the flooring to be straight with that line instead of the straight witht the house and it looks, well, not right. They get an A for effort.
We used our Obama stimulus check for first time homebuyers to get new laminate flooring. Let me just say that I am not a fan of laminate flooring. I don't like how it feels or looks for the most part. However, this is a double wide and we plan on building in the future so we didn't want to invest too much into new floors but just enough to make them liveable for about 10 years and then rentable after that. We also needed something durable that'll withstand all our kids can give. We are putting the laminate in every room except the kids rooms, bathrooms, and cooking area of the kitchen. The bathrooms and kitchen we'd like to get tile for. The kids rooms are getting carpet squares. Since I don't really like laminate, I had to paick it at least. I chose wide planks and I think the color is walnut, it's dark. As I said, this is a double wide and everyone knows that mobile homes have wood paneling for walls. Well, the paneling is a different color that the flooring so when you come over don't be alarmed- we know. My theory is that we'll be here for quite a while and there's no rush to paint the walls right now. We'll get them done slowly- when I have nothing else to do ;).

So far We've made it form our room through the hallway into the kitchen and the foyer and halfway through the den. That's where it gets fun. The previous owners also put in a gas fireplace. They used rock for the faux chimney and it was really nice looking. Nothing else in our house uses gas so we' would have to rent a giant propane tank just to use this inefficient fireplace that won't help heat the house at all. We have always wanted a woodstove as our sole source of heat. Jon started demo on the fireplace today. Our woodtove is at the store and ready to pick up! We have lots of prep work to do though. Once we get the fireplace completely gone we have to finish the floors including fireproofing under and behind where the woodstove will go- which is exactly where the fireplace was. We are going to use the rock that Jon took down to put over the fireproof wall/ floor. There was so much dust in the air while Jon was tearing out the rocks that when I took pictures you can see it floating in the air- blech. Most people know how wary I am about breathing anything in so I stayed far away. I couldn't convince the girls to though- they loved watching the rocks fall. There is now a thick layer of grit on everything that didn't get moved before he started- yay.
I am really loving the areas where the floor is already down. Even thoug it's laminate- it feels so much better than sticky carpet. It looks great too. Our room is already painted so it looks really nice in there. I am looking forward to being done and not having a heating bill this winter!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Very unaMUSEing

So, Jon and I get to go to about one show a year. Last year it was Epica, the year before was Three Days Grace, the year before was Social Distortion. This year it was supposed to be Muse. Our new favorite band. We found out they were playing with U2 in Atlanta and bought some tickets in the nosebleed section. We were never planning on staying for U2, not really interested. We got my mom to babysit. I worked the night before and took a 4 hour nap that morning and then we left around 1 for Atlanta. We got to Mom's around 4pm and took showers and ate dinner. The show was supposed to start at 7pm and marrietta is only about 30 minutes from the Ga Dome so we left at 6pm. We got to our exit within 30 minutes but when we got off traffic just stopped. We ended up sitting in traffic for two and a half hours. I called the Dome at 730pm and they said Muse had just started. We sat there for an hour after that and still couldn't even see the Dome. We decided to give up and head home. We figured that by the time we got there and parked and got to our seats, Muse would be done. We quickly found our way back the whole 3 miles that took 3 hours and headed back to marietta. We ended up going to Fuji Hana and getting sushi.
So, we're never, ever going to see a show in Atlanta.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Bliss is about the best word I can come up with to describe how I feel about my life right now. I've told Jon for a long time that the first few months we spent together after we met were the happiest of my life. After that it was mostly very stressful with lots of happy moments in between! Right now tops it. We have reached a point in our life together where we are finally living our dreams. We have amazing children which you will hear me say over and over. I finally graduated college (it's been almost two years) after starting for two years, taking a break for two years and finishing the last three years- that's 7 years to finish and be able to start working. I am really proud of that. I feel very lucky to have a job that can support my family with me only working 3 nights a week (most of the time). Jon can stay home with the kids. I would love for him to get in school and graduate so I can work a little less- I miss them all- he's working on that. I really enjoy where I work and what I'm doing. I feel like if I'm going to be away from my family it needs to be for something worthwhile and I'm quite satisfied where I'm at. And then there's the farm. People have thought we were a little crazy for wanting it but we are ecstatic to finally have it. We tried once in the past and learned from our experience. We are now so excited about all of the possibilities. At present, Jon is putting in new floors in the whole house. This is a tedious, messy job and it means he is working on that every moment that I'm home. That means that I'm doing all the household stuff while he's doing that. Now, I do help with that stuff normally but generally, since Jon is the stay at home dad, he does it. I kinda forgot how hard it is to be a stay at home parent. And now there's three kids- the baby is exhausting! Trying to juggle all three children and get the house clean is literally impossible. Leaves me feeling like something or someone is always getting left out. However, the progress he makes is uplifting. I know he'll be done eventually. Although after the floors there's the wood stove. And we just bought 6 fruit trees and 6 berry bushes so that'll be at least a couple of afternoons of work. I guess he keeps saying we need to fix the shed so he can put the rabbits over there for the winter and we'll need to pull out the fall garden and work on some new beds for the spring. Oh, and if we're going to have a woodstove for heat we'll need to have some wood. He's cut down a couple of dead trees but the wood is not exactly ready to be burned- lots of splitting ahead. If we're lucky and we get a decent tax return we can build the kids a swingset/ fort. I've got some really fun ideas and I'm so over them watching TV all day.
I know it sounds like a lot and it is! At the same time- we feel so lucky that we finally get to do it. We are really making it our own and I love that. It makes me happy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So, we're starting a blog...

Let me first say that I've typed this once already. I hate to start a blog whining but I know everyone has had that moment where they've spent time typing something (no matter how long or short) and then at the click of a mouse- it disappears. Sounds like magic but really it's just annoying. As my husband knows very, very, very well- I hate repeating myself. I'm sure it won't come out nearly as good the second time as it did the first.

So, again (for me at least)....
I've often wondered who would be interested in reading about our seemingly ordinary lives and maybe no one will. That's ok. If nothing else this will be a way for us and our children to look back on the chances we take, challenges we face, fun we have, and people we love.

Jon will hopefully write as well and I'm looking forward to reading his thoughts. For now, I suppose I'll introduce myself. I'm the Mom. We have three amazing children. Two girls- Gwenevere who is almost 6 and Hope who is 3, and our little man, Vance, who is 4 months old. I have a fantastic husband who I am thankful for everyday (even though I may not let him know it). We'll be married for 7 years in January and still very much in love. I'm a Registered Nurse and I work nights at TC Thompson Children's hospital in downtown Chattanooga in the ER. I love my job but I truly appreciate every moment I get to be at home with my family.

This is just an intro and being so it's rather vague. I'm sure as we continue to post, hopefully on a regular basis, the story of our lives will unfold. Hopefully I won't always have to be up at (it was 430am the first time) 5am to do it! For now, I'm going back to bed - probably to be awakened by a baby, who wants to eat yet again, in two hours. I'm sure Jon will hear the very familiar phrase "Your turn" soon after Vance gets fed so I can go back to sleep!