Sunday, November 1, 2009


When we bought our ten acres we thought they ended at the woods behind our house. We were very pleasantly surprised when we studied the survey and discovered we own six acres of woods behind the house. Jon has ventured out there several times trying to clear a trail and look for good spots to go camping. I hadn't been out there mostly because Vance was a newborn and it was too hot during the summer. When the weather started getting cooler and the bugs started going away we were engrossed in projects inside the house. We still have a lot going on inside but Jon decided to take the day off with me today.

(This is the barn and the back of the house from the top of the hill at the back of the property just before the woods. Too bad we don't get enough snow for sleigh riding!)

We took our first family hike on our property this afternoon. It was a beautiful day for it. I discovered that the woods are quite hilly and fairly steep in some areas. Jon had Vance on his back in the Ergo and Hope was scared she was going to fall so she kept asking me to pick her up. There is a flatter area up towards the top of the woods where the girls enjoyed jumping over felled trees and branches. We'd love to be able to hike out there regularly and let the kids play out there when they're older but it needs a lot of work before then. I'm looking forward to clearing it out some more and marking a good trail through the easier terrain.
Overall, we had a great day today!

The girls in the woods.


1 comment:

  1. The parenthesis at the top are for the first picture- I'm still figuring out how to make everything go where I want it.
