Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So, we're starting a blog...

Let me first say that I've typed this once already. I hate to start a blog whining but I know everyone has had that moment where they've spent time typing something (no matter how long or short) and then at the click of a mouse- it disappears. Sounds like magic but really it's just annoying. As my husband knows very, very, very well- I hate repeating myself. I'm sure it won't come out nearly as good the second time as it did the first.

So, again (for me at least)....
I've often wondered who would be interested in reading about our seemingly ordinary lives and maybe no one will. That's ok. If nothing else this will be a way for us and our children to look back on the chances we take, challenges we face, fun we have, and people we love.

Jon will hopefully write as well and I'm looking forward to reading his thoughts. For now, I suppose I'll introduce myself. I'm the Mom. We have three amazing children. Two girls- Gwenevere who is almost 6 and Hope who is 3, and our little man, Vance, who is 4 months old. I have a fantastic husband who I am thankful for everyday (even though I may not let him know it). We'll be married for 7 years in January and still very much in love. I'm a Registered Nurse and I work nights at TC Thompson Children's hospital in downtown Chattanooga in the ER. I love my job but I truly appreciate every moment I get to be at home with my family.

This is just an intro and being so it's rather vague. I'm sure as we continue to post, hopefully on a regular basis, the story of our lives will unfold. Hopefully I won't always have to be up at (it was 430am the first time) 5am to do it! For now, I'm going back to bed - probably to be awakened by a baby, who wants to eat yet again, in two hours. I'm sure Jon will hear the very familiar phrase "Your turn" soon after Vance gets fed so I can go back to sleep!


  1. It is so not 1:47 in the moring- my clock is reading 5:06 am.

  2. i'm interested! :)

    just fyi... there are companies that can turn your blog into a bound book... you could always do that someday for your kids! :)

    jen cameron

  3. i'm gonna read too! Very excited :)
