Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wood stove and seedlings

I'm still figuring out how to upload pictures so that they show up where I want them and it's apparent to me now that it's the opposite of how I did it this time. So the pictures are in reverse order- you're all intelligent people and I'm sure you can make sense of it.

We started planting cold hardy seeds inside last week - broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and onions. As you can see they sprouted pretty quickly and are now looking very green. I love showing the girls that what they planted is actually going to turn into something they can eat. We've picked a spot for our garden and have purchased lots of seeds. We also bought 100 strawberry plants and are planning on getting several fruit trees and berry bushes. Just waiting for warmer weather!

Speaking of warmer weather, we got our chimney and are now using our woodstove! Uncle Jason came over and helped Jon install it and I love how cozy it feels (not to mention how nice it'll be to have a smaller power bill). We got a heat resistant gate that goes all the way around it to keep little hands from getting burned.

Hope and Uncle Jason watching Daddy make a big hole in the ceiling!

So, this should have been the first picture but whatever. The whole install didn't take nearly as long as I though it would, less than a day. Now all we have to do is enjoy the warmth until spring comes!

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